
Mutishan adapts to your needs in order to develop your program on demand.

We offer efficient solutions to improve your company’s performance.

First, we do a consultation to learn about your specific goals, then we conduct a problem analysis and pain point analysis, and then we design the whole user interface for your fully customized program. Following that, we will develop it using the most appropriate technology.

We use the following technologies:

Frontend Technology

Frontend Technology

React Native, React, Typescript, Styledcomponent, HTML, PHP and SQL

Backend Technology

Backend Technology

Node, Phyton and Java.

App Development

App Development

We use the software development system flutter with the programming language Dart.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology

Chia Network (programming language chialisp), ETH, Bitcoin, Cardano.

Contact us, get a personalized quote, and we’ll get started on your project together!